Alumni News & Updates
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What’s new with you? We want to hear your story!
We all love to see what Northlanders are up to. The network of Northland alumni is incredible! We want to hear about you and share updates about what a difference you are making in the world. Tell us about your life after Northland! Where are you living and working? What life changes have you experienced? Get hitched? Have a kid or two? What are you excited about these days?
You make Northland special, and we want to celebrate your accomplishments!
Complete the form below and let us know if we can share your update in the Class Notes section of the Northland Magazine and website.

For the Love of Learning

In the spring of 1965, I graduated from high school and looked forward to the end of my formal education. After four years of being force-fed information for seemingly no purpose other than regurgitation for exams, additional schooling was on the bottom of my list and the last thing I wanted for the next four years of my young life. My parents, however, had other more ❯
The Company You Keep

We usually think of a highway as straight. But the reality is, highways are full of twists and turns (along with the occasional bear or state trooper). My journey started with the image of a red canoe on a postcard, something rather useless in the metaphor but important in my relationship with Northland—and perhaps others’ relationships with the more ❯
What I Learned in Jail

I hear the crackle of police radios before the officers enter the badly-lit classroom in the basement of Bobb Hall, Jim Meeker introducing Vegetative Types of the Great Lakes Region. I’m at a desk in a middle row; too cool to sit in front, too anxious to fully give in to the more ❯
The Story Behind the Pride Flag on Campus

As we reach the end of Pride Month, student intern Toni Alioto ’22 delves into the history of the pride flag—its creation, its meaning, and its continuous adaption to the changing landscape that is the LGBT2QAI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer/questioning, ally, intersex, +) more ❯
Fall Fest Returns September 21–24, 2022

After two years without in-person reunions, Fall Festival is returning to campus September 21–24, more ❯
Looking Forward to Fall Festival 2022

Hello and greetings from Northland! With August just around the corner, I know many of you are thinking about Fall Festival. I have been, too. And, I’m here to let you know that we are looking to 2022 for the next all-call on campus reunion.
In 2022 we will celebrate our 130th Birthday and the 50th Anniversary of the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute. Our efforts right now are more ❯
New Mural Highlights Cabbie's Tap History

I attended Northland in the early 2000 and as a student and later an alum, I played softball and pool for the Stagecoach Bar for several years. This was my spot. This is where I went, and I had no idea the rich history these walls held.
I was surprised and delighted in 2015 to learn more about Stagecoach’s history, back to its original owners when it was called Cabbie’s Tap. As more ❯
Alumni Sew Masks for Incoming Students

When the pandemic hit, Nancy Carey Mullenbrock ’78 got to work doing what she does easily—sewing. She created masks first for family and friends—then this summer, she starting thinking about students returning to campus. Apart from cutting the waste caused by using disposable masks daily, Mullenbrock explained that making masks was a “very tangible, very easy way to support incoming students; to reach out and say, ‘I made this for you personally.’”read more ❯
In the Shadow of Giants

Just as January marks the beginning of a new calendar year, for schools and colleges, September is a fresh start to a rigorous nine-month schedule. At Northland College, the campus comes to life after a summer slumber. Students return and classrooms fill as they have for over a hundred years. The focus turns to the future and all the possibilities in the semester more ❯
Pink Explosion

The four-person, pink squirrel research team knew they were onto something when their article was published in the Journal of Mammalogy and the media requests started rolling in. “That’s when the excitement started,” said Allie Kohler ’18, lead author on the project and now a graduate student in wildlife and fisheries at Texas A& more ❯